Welcome to our emotional resilience program for children ages two to five.

This is a wraparound program that will not only help young children learn and apply emotional resilience in their own lives, but we give tools to parents, administrators, and caregivers so that all people in the children’s lives are receiving the same information and thus can reinforce the knowledge, tools and skills the children are learning.

We are excited you’ve decided to join our team in teaching young children how to be emotionally strong and resilient in their lives and hope these skills will continue with these children throughout their lives. 

Administrative Portal

As an administrator of your program, you will find all the tools you need to help children, parents and caregivers be successful in teaching and learning emotional resilience here in this administrator’s portal. 

Caregiver Portal

This portal will give you all the tools you need to teach your class how to become emotionally resilient and will also give you access to supports for your own emotional care. 

Parents Portal

Parents, here within this portal you will find the tools that will enable you to reinforce the emotional resilience your children are learning in the classroom as well as some tools to help you better parent your children. 

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As an administrator you will have access to:

  1. Monthly admin and business training by our professional staff. 
  2. Access to our caregiver support group.
    1. Support groups meet weekly. 
    2. Groups include other professionals who are working in the childcare field and are facilitated by our professionally trained staff. 
  3. Access to our parenting classes and groups
    1. This feature will allow you to see what the concerns of your students’ parents are. 
    2. It will also allow you to see what we are teaching the parents allowing you and parents to coordinate childcare more effectively.
    3. Classes are made up of parents of children ages 2-5 and are facilitated by our professionally trained staff. 
  4. Access to our unique classroom curriculum.
    1. The classroom curriculum was developed by our founder Seth Atwater MAMFT, and his family. 
    2. The curriculum is taken from Seth’s tools he has developed over the past two decades in his practice as a Marriage and Family Therapist and Life Coach and was modified for children ages 2-5.
    3. Our inaugural class is designed as a daily half hour class for 16 weeks.
    4. We will be adding classroom curriculum as we continue to develop and adapt our tools and learning to meet the needs of 2-5 year old children. 
  5. access to Atwater Healing guided meditations. 
    1. Meditations are a short 5-minute meditation guided by Seth Atwater, MAMFT or Jessica Atwater.
    2. There are several classes of meditations, transformational, world travel, and nature.
    3. Meditations are ideal for in classrooms to aid children in transition times or to get them prepared for nap time. Also, they can be used by your staff and teachers to help destress after a particularly hard day or event. 
  6. You will also have access to the full suite of tools that have been developed by Seth Atwater, MAMFT, some of which are taught in the curriculum for your students.
    1. 5 Level of Consciousness
    2. 4 Levels of Motivation
    3. 6 Spheres of Influence
    4. Change Wheel
    5. 5 Roles of Identity (a human development model)
    6. Bird-O-Gram (a family structural model)
    7. Anger Timeline
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Teaching staff will have access to:

  1. Access to our caregiver support group.
    1. Support groups meet weekly. 
    2. Groups include other professionals who are working in the childcare field and are facilitated by our professionally trained staff.
  2. Access to our unique classroom curriculum.
    1. The classroom curriculum was developed by our founder Seth Atwater MAMFT, and his family. 
    2. The curriculum is taken from Seth’s tools he has developed over the past two decades in his practice as a Marriage and Family Therapist and Life Coach and was modified for children ages 2-5.
    3. Our inaugural class is designed as a daily half hour class for 16 weeks.
    4. We will be adding classroom curriculum as we continue to develop and adapt our tools and learning to meet the needs of 2-5 year old children. 
  3. access to Atwater Healing guided meditations. 
    1. Meditations are a short 5-minute meditation guided by Seth Atwater, MAMFT or Jessica Atwater.
    2. There are several classes of meditations, transformational, world travel, and nature.
    3. Meditations are ideal for in classrooms to aid children in transition times or to get them prepared for nap time. Also, they can be used by your staff and teachers to help destress after a particularly hard day or event. 
  4. You will also have access to the full suite of tools that have been developed by Seth Atwater, MAMFT, some of which are taught in the curriculum for your students.
    1. 5 Level of Consciousness
    2. 4 Levels of Motivation
    3. 6 Spheres of Influence
    4. Change Wheel
    5. 5 Roles of Identity (a human development model)
    6. Bird-O-Gram (a family structural model)
    7. Anger Timeline
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Parents will have access to: 

  1. Access to our parenting classes and groups
    1. This feature will allow you to see what the concerns of your students’ parents are. 
    2. It will also allow you to see what we are teaching the parents allowing you and parents to coordinate childcare more effectively.
    3. Classes are made up of parents of children ages 2-5 and are facilitated by our professionally trained staff. 
  2. Access to our unique classroom curriculum.
    1. The classroom curriculum was developed by our founder Seth Atwater MAMFT, and his family. 
    2. The curriculum is taken from Seth’s tools he has developed over the past two decades in his practice as a Marriage and Family Therapist and Life Coach and was modified for children ages 2-5.
    3. Our inaugural class is designed as a daily half hour class for 16 weeks.
    4. We will be adding classroom curriculum as we continue to develop and adapt our tools and learning to meet the needs of 2–5-year-old children. 
  3. access to Atwater Healing guided meditations. 
    1. Meditations are a short 5-minute meditation guided by Seth Atwater, MAMFT or Jessica Atwater.
    2. There are several classes of meditations, transformational, world travel, and nature.
    3. Meditations are ideal for in classrooms to aid children in transition times or to get them prepared for nap time. Also, they can be used by your staff and teachers to help destress after a particularly hard day or event. 
  4. You will also have access to the full suite of tools that have been developed by Seth Atwater, MAMFT, some of which are taught in the curriculum for your students.
    1. 5 Level of Consciousness
    2. 4 Levels of Motivation
    3. 6 Spheres of Influence
    4. Change Wheel
    5. 5 Roles of Identity (a human development model)
    6. Bird-O-Gram (a family structural model)
    7. Anger Timeline