Self Awareness Health & Wellness Healthy Marriage Parenting Achieving goals

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Self Awareness

To enact any kind of positive change in yourself, you must first know who the person you are trying to change really is. What is at the core of you as a person? What makes you tick? How did you become who you are now, and how can you use that knowledge to become who you want to be? Self awareness is the first step on that journey.

This study plan is recommended as an introduction to our tools, and if you are looking for:

  • Increased awareness of who you are and why you make the choices you do
  • Greater control over your thoughts, feelings, actions, etc.
  • Understanding others better by first understanding yourself
  • If you don’t know where to start on your personal journey through life, this study plan will help
Health & Wellness

Your body, mind, and spirit are not three separate entities. They are in fact inseparable, and therefore if you want to enrich your mind or your spirit, you must also enrich your physical health. Fortunately the fundamentals of living a healthy life aren’t as complicated as they might seem. You just need some direction to get you going on the right path.

This study plan will help you improve your health in all the domains of life, including:

  • Physical Health
  • Mental Health
  • Spiritual Health
  • Social Health
Healthy Marriage

Marriages end far too easily in our society, not because there’s never a reason to need to get out of one, but because not enough people know how to retain a healthy marriage relationship after that initial honeymoon phase. If your marriage is struggling or you would like some advice to avoid falling into the common issues many couples face, trust our founder, Seth Atwater, who has been working in the field of marriage and family therapy for many years, to teach you all you need to know.

Follow this study plan if you are struggling with:

  • Marital dissatisfaction
  • Improper balance in your relationship
  • Anger and acting out toward your spouse (or being directed at you)
  • Or if you want to improve your marriage in any way

Being a parent is one of the hardest things you will ever do, and also arguably the most important thing you will ever do. Caring and providing for a child’s physical, spiritual, and emotional needs can be extremely draining on you, and there are so many conflicting voices in the world about how best to go about doing it. Our tools can help you make sense of the cacophony and learn to support your child’s growth in a positive way.

This study plan will help you learn how to:

  • Understand your children’s developmental needs
  • Better recognize the context you already bring to your parenting
  • Correct undesirable behavior with more effectiveness and kindness
  • And generally teach and support your children as the best parent you can be
Achieving goals

Every day of your life is a series of small choices, but not all of those choices are being made consciously. Changing who we are on a more fundamental level takes time, patience, persistence, and the knowledge of how to stay consistent and follow through with the goals that you make for yourself. The courses and supplementary materials in our study guide on achieving your goals can put you on the path to really become more than you are now, rather than merely wishing that you could be.

Follow this study plan if:

  • You have goals you would like to achieve but don’t know how to get started or stay consistent
  • You want to improve your daily habits or overcome negative habits
  • You are following up on the self-awareness study plan and want to know how to become the person you’d like to be