My name is also Seth Atwater, and as you can probably tell I am Seth’s eldest son. I am currently living at home, so we often drive to work together. I handle most of the IT stuff at work since it isn’t really my dad’s strong suit. I am really proud of the work he is doing, and I’m happy to be a part of it!

Before I started working for my dad I served a 6 month service mission in our area, and then worked for several years as a caretaker for the physically and mentally disabled. Through these opportunities I met many great people and developed an even stronger respect and love for the local community that I grew up in, and for the awesome people who I served.

When I’m not at the office (and sometimes when I am) I can usually be found writing. I’m an aspiring fantasy author and I have my own website that I publish some of my stories on. My other hobbies include reading, running, meditation, and reading manga/watching anime.