Seth received his master’s degree from Forest Institute of Professional Psychology in Springfield, Mo. This institution had a unique training program focused on getting students deep in the trenches of therapy as quickly as possible, graduating them with far more practical and hands-on knowledge than a traditional psychology graduate degree. Seth began studying clinical psychology, but near the end of his schooling switched to marriage and family therapy when it became obvious that the clinical psychology path would lead him to assessment and diagnosis rather than actual in depth client interaction. Because of this, he has completed all the course work for a clinical doctorate degree, even though his degree is master’s of marriage and family therapy.

While at Forest Institute, Seth began developing his own therapeutic model, External Experiential Processing (EEP), along with corresponding awareness and action tools that make up a complete developmental model which is the foundation of all his work. These models and associated tools have had a profound impact on all the populations he has worked with.

After graduate school, Seth did provisional work in a wide variety of settings all across the United States.  With White River Behavioral Center on the White River Apache Reservation in Arizona Seth worked with clients dealing with addictions, gang related violence, domestic violence, marriage and healthy relationships, and suicide evaluations. In White River, Seth worked closely with the jail on the Reservation. With Providence in Maine, Seth participated in an innovative in-home intensive intervention program designed to help families in danger of losing their children to state custody. With Ozark Center in Joplin, Missouri, Seth developed and carried out addiction recovery and anger management programs. With Synergy Youth Home, Seth worked with juvenile delinquents in a group home setting. With Family Institute of Northern Utah, Seth helped sex offenders who were on probation to reintegrate into society. At CAPSA domestic violence center in Logan, Utah, Seth helped victims of sexual, emotional, and physical trauma. Because of these varied experiences, Seth had the opportunity to work with extremely diverse populations.

All the therapists and life coaches at Atwater Healing will be trained personally by Seth Atwater in the EEP method and will be working in collaboration with him.

From Seth:

“I have been happily married to my wife Jessica for over 20 years. We have 8 children ages 8 to 22, a son-in-law and one grand child. I am an avid basketball player (played through high school on a team but now I just enjoy playing pick up games mostly with members of my church). I love outdoors activities, especially hiking. I mostly enjoy visiting with people, getting to know them and serving in the Monett Missouri community.

I have served for ten years in the military 6 of which I served as an Arabic translator during the War on Terror. I served a two year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in Nicaragua Central America. I loved my service for my country and for my God and hope to continue serving God and my country and community through the work we are doing at Atwater Healing.”